May 28 – August 11

8 videos by Sylvie Boisseau & Frank Westermeyer, Gregory Buchert, Dimension Émotionnelle, Paul Heintz, Luzia Hürzeler, Frantiček Klossner, Theres Liechti, Elodie Pong are screened daily from 8:00–24:00 interspersed between the regular messages shown on the Congress Center Basel e-board Messeplatz 21 next to Swissôtel Le Plaza

Furthermore the same videos will be shown with sound from Monday till Friday 10:00–13:00 on the screen at the Mediathek, FHNW Academy of Art and Design, 8th floor, Freilager-Platz

Curators: Andrea Domesle and Sophie Kauffenstein

(→ link)

Luzia Hürzeler “Die Forelle” (The trout), 2012, 7:45 min. (bei als Split Screen Version und 1-Kanal, 16:9)