
In the Same Place

How to Sleep Among Wolves 2

Schlafend unter Wölfen

Der goldene Rücken [The Golden Back]

En dernier lieu [In the last place]

Qui a vu le loup [Who saw the wolf]

L'un dans l'autre [One in the other]

Auf der anderen Seite [On the other hand]

La réplique [The replica]

Ne réveillez pas le chat qui dort [Let sleeping dogs lie]

How to Sleep Among Wolves 1

30 Jahre [30 Years]

Die Forelle [The trout]

Selbstporträt für die Katz [Selfportrait for the cat/for nothing]

ll nonno [The grandfather]

If looks could kill

A sculpture has to remain still

I always

A sculpture has to remain still II

I always II

Im Bilde sein [Being in the Picture]

Vogelhaus [Birdhouse]


Derrière le rideau [Behind the curtain]


Le trou dans la table [The hole in the table]

Ice cream

Closing eye

Lemon juice

Show case